Re: Re Cultural poetics

Hannu Juhani Salmi (
Mon, 16 Oct 1995 08:11:21 -0900 (PDT)

Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 08:11:21 -0900 (PDT)
From: Hannu Juhani Salmi <>
Subject: Re: Re Cultural poetics

On Sat, 14 Oct 1995, Pasi Ahonen wrote:

> Tiivistelmassaan Veenstra kuvailee 'Poetics of Culture'-kasitetta seuraavasti:
> "Contrary to many older interpretive methods and schools that tend to see
> historical and literary texts as autonomous entities, Poetics of Culture
> seeks to reveal the relationship between texts and their sociohistorical
> contexts. Cultural Poetics assumes that texts not only document the social
> forces that inform and constitute history and society but also feature
> prominently in the social processes themselves which fashion both
> individual identity and sociohistorical situation." (H&T 34/3 95, s. 174)

Taytyy lukea Veenstran artikkeli, mutta taman sitaatin perusteella suuntauksessa ei nayta olevan mitaan erityisen uutta - siinahan korostetaan tekstin ja kontekstin suhdetta, ja sita ettei teksti "dokumentoi" ymparoivaa yhteiskuntaa vaan on itsessaan sosiaalinen voima... Eiko tama vastaa taiteentutkimuksen lahtokohtia yleensa? Samaa maarittelya voisi kayttaa esimerkiksi vaihtamalla Cultural poetics -ilmaisun tilalle sanat film history...

Hannu S.