Historian Laitos

JOHNSON, Arthur A.: The Kalevan Kansa Colonization Company, Limited's Relationship with North American Utopian Socialist Settlements from 1900 to 1905.

Pro gradu tutkielma, 78 s.
Yleinen historia.
Kevätlukukaudella 1979.

The research study was conducted to investigate the relationship between the Kalevan Kansa Colonization Company, Limited and North American Utopian Socialist Settlements between 1900 and 1905.

The research was conducted by utilizing the standard methods available for historical inquiry. Archival materials and personal correspondence records were the main research literature available for this study.

Although the Colonization Company's history includes the activities of it's president prior to 1900, mention was made in regard to his activities only where necessary, in order to supplement understanding of the overall period in the study.

The results of the study indicate that the contacts which occurred were basically of two types. Either with religious or non religious associations.

The first two years of the Colonization Company's history, between 1900 and 1902, indicated the majority of the contacts were with cooperative associations. In contrast to this, the last two years of activity, between 1903 and 1904, indicate more contacts with religious settlements than with cooperative associations.

The ultimate effect of these contacts were two sided. Initially, the first two years contacts aided the Colonization Company to develop their cooperative model. However, as the direction of the contacts changed, to increased involvement with religious associations, it lead to a schism amorg its' members.

One of the significant causes for the collapse of the Colonization Company (besides economic) was it's contacts with two religious associations.

If one compares these research findings with the generally accepted opinions concerning the experiment, which appear in earlier research studies and articles, it can be concluded, that the significance of these contacts have not been acknowledged earlier.