Date: Thu, 11 Jan 1996 11:34:02 -0800 (PST) From: Hannu Juhani Salmi <> To: Subject: Uusia arkistolinkkeja
SHEKissä on nyt uusia arkistolinkkejä eri puolille maailmaa ( Tässä näytteeksi linkkien kokoelma.
Terv. Hannu Salmi
ARKISTOT * Hämeenlinnan maakunta-arkiston luettelo * Genealogical Research in the National Archives of Finland * Suomen elokuva-arkisto * Norske arkiv og arkivorganisasjonar * Achives in Norway * Den nationale Billedbase/ Danish Image Database * Achives in Denmark * Achives in Sweden * Demografiska databasen, Umeå universitet * Archives in Czech Republic * Archive in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland * Oriental Institute Photographic Archives * Archives of Australia * British Columbia Archives and Records Service * Canadian Archival Resources on the Internet * National Archives of Canada * University of Saskatchewan Archives * National Archives of Ireland * National Archives * Public Record Office of England and Wales * Utah State Archives Hotlinks, access to many state and university archives * Repositories of Primary Sources: Western United States and Canada * Repositories of Primary Sources: Eastern United States and Canada * Repositories of Primary Sources: Mexico, Central America, and South America * Repositories of Primary Sources: Europe * Repositories of Primary Sources: Asia and the Pasific * Repositories of Primary Sources: Africa and the Near East * Repositories of Primary Sources: Additional Links * Richard Wagner Archive * Deutsche Dichterhandschriften des poetischen Realismus--Ortsverzeichnis * Duke Papyrus Archive * Archiv für populäre Musik _________________________________________________________________